Hello viewers of my newest blog that I have set up to display my cakes I have made. Side Note: I just set up this blog not too long ago, and will be going to work soon so I can't put a lot of time into making the page look like me. Don't worry though viewers, I will create an excellent piece of art to use as my background and it shall be GRAND!
I am very excited to start up this "blog" to show what I can do. So far, I don't have much; that is due to the fact that I just finished the Baking & Pastry Arts Program at my local community college, so I haven't had a lot of time to create amazing things! But again, do not fear, this will change soon enough. Thank you for even
coming to this page and showing some kind of interest.
I decided upon the name "Baileycakes" for my puppy Bailey. She died about a year ago due to osteosarchoma (bone cancer) at the young age of seven. She is the only dog I have ever owned, so I felt a substantial loss. I think the name is cute and makes me smile, and hopefully it does for you aswell. :)
Anywho, I will post as often as I can. My first actual
cake posts won't be until wednesday (my day off). So hold on to your seats!
Love always, Megan Ashley